GC-MS and LC-MS analysis

Gas chromatography (GC):
GC analysis is a method for separating mixtures into their individual chemical compounds. The GC is only applicable for components that are gaseous or can be vaporized without decomposition (boiling range up to 400 ° C, molecular weight <500u).
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) / Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC):
HPLC/UPLC are liquid chromatography methods with which mixtures can be separated into their individual chemical compounds. In contrast to gas chromatography, which is a very good method for separating vaporizable materials, non-volatile substances can be analysed by HPLC. Whether this separation method can be used for separating a mixture of substances depends mainly upon whether all of the substances of the mixture can be dissolved in the mobile phase, and if there is a stationary phase having a sufficient selectivity between the substances.
Mass spectrometry (MS):
MS referred to methods, the mass of molecules can be obtained
The MS is an important method of analytical chemistry in the elucidation of the structure of compounds and the composition of mixtures. The qualitative (detection of (un)known substances) and quantitative (how much substance is present) detection of very small amounts of substances is possible.
GC-MS or the LC-MS is the coupling of a gas chromatograph (GC) or a liquid chromatograph (LC) with a mass spectrometer (MS).
In this case, the GC or LC is used for the separation of the substance and the mass spectrometer for the identification and / or quantification of the individual substances.
High resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) allows us to measure the mass of molecules to 4 decimal places, with an accuracy of 2 mDa. This allows us to generate molecular formula suggestions for unknown compounds. The MSE technology also simultaneously records high-energy spectra (fragmentation spectra), which provide us with additional information for the identification of the detected substances. It is important for the simultaneous measurement that coelution of substances is avoided. By coupling with UPLC and using sub 2 µm columns, a very good separation performance is achieved.
In addition to this screening approach, classical MSMS experiments can also be performed for complex samples